
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


The Epic Instagram Saga of Hank and His Hippo BFF Will Have You ROFL

Everything was going well till one morning staff found Hippo nearly decapitated, with stuffing everywhere. Did Hank really have it in him to kill his best friend? <3
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Adorable Dog Has Her Own Bus Pass So She Can Take Herself to the Park

“This is Eclipse. Every day she leaves the house by herself, and takes the bus downtown to the dog park. She even has her own buss pass attached to her collar.” <3
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Woman Sneaks Her Sick Grandma’s Dog into the Hospital Disguised as a Baby

“I was really happy we were able to pull it off, and I’m sure it made her day,” Shelby said. <3
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Boxer Totally Perfects the “Mannequin Challenge”

The #MannequinChallenge has been taking the Internet by storm, but this Boston the boxer's serious stay-still skills are on a whole other level!
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Golden Boy: Is Aspen the New “It” Dog of Instagram?

One of the best things about Instagram are the dog photos! Also, there's plenty of room for new celebrities. Aspen may be IG's newest "it" pup!
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