“Eight police officers and four dog wardens showed up to take Hank away. I can't fathom why anyone would report him... He’s extremely affectionate.” Read more
“Immediately I went mad and filed an appeal to the crown court. He was taken on the 5th of February, so he was kept in a secret kennel all that time.” Read more
"Time and time again, you can point to studies that show it's mainly the proper training or improper training of a dog that leads to their behavior, and not some sort of genetic predisposition to being mean." Read more
She is a staff favorite, delighting them as she happily comes bounding into the room to see them. Betsy is full of smiles, and her tail wags incessantly. Read more
“May she rest in peace and continue to inspire us today and always to be the voice of the voiceless. Celebrate her beautiful life by saving one just like her.” Read more
“Breeds are an aspect of a dog but they don’t make up everything about that dog,” said Michael Morefield with the Arizona Animal Welfare League. Read more
“I miss him every single day,” Tom said. “I will bankrupt myself to get my dog back, I will do anything to make sure he can be back at home with his family.” Read more
“If you do not make an accommodation in your BSL for service animals or emotional support animals, then you're violating the FHA and the laws are very, very clear on that in our opinion,” Lancaster said. Read more