
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Arraiau Au Au – Festa junina dos cachorros

No mês das festas juninas, os cachorros também entraram no clima caipira no Arraiau Au Au, que aconteceu no sábado (14).

A festa foi feita pelo Parque Clube Totó.

Projeto One-Dog Policy mostra como os cães estão sendo humanizados

Nos dias de hoje, a maioria dos cachorros são tratados como um membro da família e isso acaba refletindo no comportamento desses bichinhos de estimação. Os hábitos dos cães estão ficando cada vez mais parecidos com os nossos e é exatamente isso que a fotógrafa Maija Astikainen quer mostrar em seu projeto One-Dog Policy.


4 Reasons Why Your Pet Should Get an Annual Exam by a Vet

annual examBecause your dog or cat can’t communicate to you when he isn’t feeling well, and because animals are sometimes able to mask symptoms of illness until a disease is advanced, an annual exam conducted by your veterinarian is an important part of maintainin

How To Train Your Dog To Walk Obediently

walkIf you never taught a person how to speak or write, they wouldn’t be able to do either – certainly not at a socially acceptable level, at least. The same can be said for obedient walking and your dog.

Homem dá mil dólares de gorjeta para ajudar a pagar cirurgia de cão

Uma história de New Jersey, nos Estados Unidos, mostra que ainda existem pessoas de bom coração: um homem deu uma gorjeta de mil dólares para a bartender ao saber que seu cachorro tinha acabado de passar por uma cirurgia de emergência que custou muito caro.


3 Ways to Reduce Pet Allergies

pet allergiesAre you tired of having to explain that the reason you don’t have a dog or a cat is because of a nasty pet allergy? The truth is, just because you suffer from certain pet allergies doesn’t mean you can’t have a pet of your own.

Questions to Ask Before Choosing Your Pet Food

pet foodWith all of the pet food recalls that have occurred over the last few years, it has never been more important to be an informed pet parent, especially when it comes to the nutrition that you provide to your dog or cat.

Benefits of Agility Training for Your Dog

agility trainingTraining your dog is an important step in ensuring he’ll be properly socialized and always willing to take commands and behave.

4 Ways to Keep Your Pet Safe During a Tornado

tornadoIt happens so fast, you barely know what hit you. While hurricanes take days to make their way to landfall, a tornado can pop up in an instant, and wreak havoc on everything that falls in its path.


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