Quaden's interactions with bullies left him depressed & in need of counseling. Now, a sweet rescue dog is doing wonders for the boy's confidence and happiness. Read more
Many of the most widely used pesticides and herbicides used on laws today, are linked to two types of cancer in dogs. Imagine what it could be doing to us, too. Read more
Canine companions are helping kids overcome their fears, helping victims in courtrooms, taking the stand with them to calm nerves and bolster spirits. Read more
"Time and time again, you can point to studies that show it's mainly the proper training or improper training of a dog that leads to their behavior, and not some sort of genetic predisposition to being mean." Read more
You can get a lot of information about dogs online. Some can be quite good, some can be very poor and it may be difficult to ferret out what is the best method. What it really comes down to is simple. You need to understand your dog. Read more
A schoolgirl in Peru had a photo of her snapped when she bent down to shield a street dog from the rain. It was posted to social media sites, making the girl an internet star! Read more
Today's Life With Dogs Adoptable Dog of the Day is Papi from the Charlestown Animal Shelter in Rhode Island. Could he be the dog of your dreams? Read more
Say it ain't so, Rover! A new study suggests that if your dog could talk, you might find out you're not as good a hugger as you think you are. Read more