
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Mobile Mutts Rescue Transports Takes Drive Time to New Levels

Mobile Mutts Rescue Transports has been in operation since 2008 when Lynn Gregory and Chrissy Kovacevic-Cogozzo decided there was a great need to get dogs from shelters to rescues.  The mission today remains the same as it was some eight years ago, simply to transport dogs from shelters, including high-kill shelters, from Georgia, Tennessee, and […]

Meet Mandy’s Rescuers, the Dream Team Angels

The Dream Team Angels are the ladies who were able to save Mandy, the dog that had been held over in the adoption area of the Riverside SPCA for almost a month longer than permitted because the staff loved her so much and didn’t want her to be put down.
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Big Ol’ Mush of a Dog Gives Cuddles to Scared Shelter Animals

When other dogs were brought to the house, they just needed to snuggle with Charlie. He calmed them during such a tumultuous time in their lives.
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Quasimodo, A Special Needs Dog With A Following

Quasi's body length is disproportionate due to his having a rare disease called Short Spine Syndrome, one of 14 known dogs with the affliction.
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Lonely Dog Finds Comfort in a Forsaken Teddy

“It is the hardest thing in the world for us to leave dogs like his behind, so please don't judge us. Please help us by fostering/donating or volunteering.”
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These Pit Bulls Just Wanted Their Own Baby Ducks

Seeing how attached the brothers had become to Penguin and Popinjay, their ma and pa realized that they had to adopt the little ducklings.
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Senior Chow Mix in “Fospice” Will Be Loved ’til the End of His Days

“Soon after posting Max to Instagram, we received an email that changed Max’s life forever: ‘We would love to be a forever home for this sweet boy.’”
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One Family’s “Trash” Becomes Another’s Treasure

Do you have a foster fail story? Tell us in the comments section, and you could be a featured story!
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Dog Takes Her Adopted Opossum Babies for Piggyback Rides

“It's very nice to see all the care that she has with them, licking them all the time and nestling them,” Stephanie Maldonado said.
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