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Good Samaritan

Baseball Team Saves the Day Rescuing Trapped Dog

"We prayed that God would send someone to help and maybe ten seconds later we saw six boys walking up," said Tonya Windham.

Injured Dog Shows Strong Will to Live

Never underestimate the healing powers of love. A stray dog with a crushed pelvis walks again surprising veterinarians who said the dog would never walk again.

Couple Gives Bartender $1,000 Tip for Dog’s Surgery

“I just stood there in shock,” Christina said. “I walked around and hugged this couple. They said, ‘We’ll be praying for Tucker.’”

Abused Two-Legged Tijuana Dog Finds Guardian Angels in California

An abused Tijuana dog was rushed to California for emergency vet care when a Good Samaritan found her with her hind legs bound with barb wire.

Tijuana Special Needs Stray Gets Second Chance in Life

A special needs dog rescued from the streets of Tijuana needs a foster home to heal from his surgery. His back legs need amputation but his recovery is depends on finding a foster home.

Community Works Together to Save Pets from Massive Forest Fire

The Chilean community has come together to help homeless pets affected by the massive forest fire of April 2014. See pictures.

From Trash to Treasure

A scared dog, trapped inside a garbage bin, was waiting to be rescued or to be crushed with the rest of the garbage. Thankfully the dog was rescued before a garbage truck came to pick up the trash.

Michigan Community Saves Dog from Lake Drowning

Mike Bruner from Independence Township, Mich., became a hero when he jumped into a frozen lake to save a dog close to drowning.

Neighbors Rescue Dog Trapped Rubble from Chile’s Recent Earthquake

Three Chilean men rescued a dog trapped in the rubble of the April 1, 2014, earthquake. The dog only suffered minor injuries.

Good Samaritans Reunite Service Dog with War Veteran.

"I feel like I'm complete again, I felt like a part of me was missing," said Ryan Grose.


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