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A Holistic Approach to Hyperthyroidism in Cats

hyperthyroidismHyperthyroidism is a common condition that affects many middle-aged and senior cats. And, according to the ASPCA, it’s also the most common glandular disease in felines.

Dog Gets Back on All Paws Thanks to Anonymous Pet Wheelchair Donation

Now that the canine has her two all-terrain wheels, she is able to comfortably and safely wheel herself around while using the strength of her front legs.

Caring for Your Senior Dog

Caring for an aged dog can be a mixed blessing. What a glorious achievement that best buddy has become a senior citizen.

Colombian VP Declines Ambassadorship for His Dog’s Sake

“I have turned down the ambassador job because the dog you see on that picture is very hairy, and the hot climate of Brasilia could harm his health,” Angelino Garzon said.

Disabled Dog Helps Save Incapacitated Owner’s Life

“I made arrangements for the dogs. I made arrangements to sell the house and kind of got everything cleaned up before I wasn’t able to do it anymore. I was getting so sick, the original doctors I was working with said, ‘Nothing more can be done.’”

The Importance of Playtime with Your Cat

playtimeAlthough felines can be independent, they also crave companionship and playtime with their human guardians and with other cats.

How to Know If Someone Is An Animal Hoarder

animal hoarderNo one expected to find 199 animals in this rather unremarkable single-family home located in a quiet, somewhat affluent, suburb of Boston, Mass. But that’s exactly what Lynnfield police discovered after responding to a medical emergency on Feb. 26.

Dogs and Their Ability to Smell and Detect Cancer

smellA dog’s sense of smell is one of its coolest features. Its nose can pinpoint bombs, drugs, and, in some cases, the moment a diabetic is suffering from a hyperglycemic event.


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