
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos

Heroic Humans

Dog Saved the Life of a Tiny Bird, and Now He Misses His New Friend Dearly

“He flew a big circle in my living room and landed right on top of Diamond’s head... Diamond came nose to beak to the bird and then he started licking him.”
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Dog in Crate Used to Smuggle Heroin Through JFK Airport

A dog was used as a drug mule for two New York men sending more than $1 million worth of heroin to John F. Kennedy Airport, the Queens District Attorney says.
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Pizza Guy Delays Delivery to Rescue Lost Dog

Snickers was lost and darting in and out of traffic when he got lucky and a dog-friendly pizza guy stepped in to make sure he made it home in one piece.
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