
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Service Dogs Specially Trained by Inmates Delivered Valentine’s Day Treats in Indianapolis

“They find freedom in training the dogs within the prison’s four walls. It started with a dozen volunteers and first worked with kids at juvenile detention facilities."
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Cachorro que nasceu sem duas patas usa cadeira de rodas feita com peças de brinquedos

Um chihuahua que nasceu sem as duas patas da frente conseguiu ajuda em um hospital veterinário, onde os funcionários usaram a criatividade para fazer uma cadeira de rodas usando peças de brinquedos.

O cachorro recebeu o nome de Turbo.


Iraq War Vet Donates New Set of Wheels to Dog

“He made me realize that I don’t have any problems. If he doesn’t have any problems, I don’t have any problems. I told (Trooper) that night, ‘Little dog, I’m going to buy you a new set of wheels.’”
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