On July 6, 2015, a parking enforcement officer ticketing illegally parked vehicles in San Antonio, Spain, saved the life of Barbita, a four-year-old mixed breed dog, locked inside the trunk of a car. The dog was left in the unventilated compartment while temperatures reached 113 °F. Her life was saved because officers arrived on time, 15 more minutes inside the hot trunk would have claimed the dog’s life.
Louie, a seven-month-old Shih Tzu, from Springdale, Canada, was out on a walk with his owner and wanted to do what every dog does, mark his territory, however, the one that got marked was the dog and not my another dog, but by a fire hydrant.
Heather Ann Ransley shares a touching story of rescuing dogs, and even though she has had to travel quite some distance to do so, her two dogs, Simba and Sophie, have gone with her. They can be quite busy at times, but still make sure to share special time together.