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22 Dez, 2017by adminAwww!, Dog News, Entertainment, facebook, Featured, Funny, Holidays, just for laughs, social media, twitter, viral photos, dog Christmas photos, dog nativity scene, funny dog photos, funny holiday photos, Wags to Riches groomers
13 Dez, 2017by adminAwww!, dog dad, Dog News, Entertainment, facebook, Featured, Funny, just for laughs, Police, social media, Bosties, Boston terriers, Christmas elf, Shane Ferrari for Sheriff. dog arrested
09 Nov, 2017by adminDog News, facebook, Featured, Funny, International, just for laughs, social media, twitter, viral photos, beagles, Donald Trump, ear cyst, president trump, things that look like donald trump
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28 Set, 2017by adminAwww!, Cute Dog Videos, Dog News, Entertainment, Funny, Funny Dog Videos, Humans Being Silly with Dogs, just for laughs, News Video, Strange News, vídeo, black lab, cash for cookies, labrador retrievers
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26 Jul, 2017by adminAdopted, bonded pair, Dog News, Featured, Funny, Happy Ending, instagram, just for laughs, Popular, Rescue Group, social media, surgery, Adopted, best friends, bonded pair, chocolate Lab, Dog News, forever home, Fox Valley Humane Association, Wisconsin