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Lost Dog

Women with Parkinson’s Disease Is Reunited with Her Missing Pet

Pam Davidson lives in Manitoba-Winnipeg, Canada, and suffers from Parkinson’s disease. On Dec. 2, 2014, her companion pet, a purebred collie named Nell, went missing from her home, but thanks to a Good Samaritan, the woman and her dog were reunited a week later.

Please Help Us Find These Missing Pets!

Is your pet missing?  Please let us know!  If not, be very thankful you aren’t in the shoes of the family members missing these cherished pets.  Please see if any of them look familiar, and SHARE to get the word out there so these babies can be found and returned!



Senior Lost Pet Gets Rescued from River and Reunited with Owner

When Linda Quinn, from Coxheath, Nova Scotia, Canada, went out to walk her dogs on November 30, 2014, the last thing she thought was that she would be saving a senior dog from drowning in a river. Not only did she save the pet, she also helped reunite the dog with the worried owners.

Help Is Needed to Bring These Missing Dogs Home


Hundreds of pets go missing every day in the US.  Owners make fliers and hang them up in their towns and post them on various online sources.  With so many fans around the world, we’d like to be one of those sources to give people the best chance of getting their pet home.



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