
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Dogs Are Celebrated in Nepal’s Kukur Tahir Festival

Dogs are decorated with garlands and tika (marks on the forehead), which makes each of them sacred and empowers them to bless all those they encounter on this day.
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Nepal Festival Celebrates Sanctity of Dogs’ LIVES


The Yulin Dog Meat Festival is over, but the fight to stop it isn’t.  Hopefully this will become a thing of the past soon, but if you are looking for a more agreeable dog festival, you need not look any further than Nepal.


Stray from Iowa Sent to Nepal as Search and Rescue Dog

By now, just about everybody has heard of the earthquake disaster in Nepal.  More than a week has passed now, and search and rescue teams are still struggling to reach some of the more remote areas and villages.

Grupo de resgate da Alemanha leva cães para ajudar a localizar vítimas do terremoto no Nepal

O grupo de resgate I.S.A.R (International Search and Rescue) da Alemanha enviou ajuda ao Nepal. Mais de 50 membros da equipe, incluindo cães farejadores, embarcaram ao país para ajudar na busca por vítimas que ficaram soterradas por causa do terremoto.

No sábado (25) de manhã, um terremoto de magnitude 7.8 atingiu o Nepal. Já foram confirmadas mais de 2 mil mortes e esse número ainda pode subir, porque a destruição foi enorme.

Após esse tremor principal, aconteceram mais 35 réplicas de menor intensidade.


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