“So, as much relief from that as possible is what this room is all about. Creating a safe space for them to relax and decompress while they wait for their forever homes.” Read more
Dogs are amazing, but then, you probably already knew that. But, did you know, that shelter and rescue dogs can sometimes be harboring amazing talents? Read more
Rescue Bank donates food and supplies for rescue animals and is now 10 years old and working to raise one million meals for homeless cats and dogs to celebrate. Read more
Living Free Animal Sanctuary has created a comprehensive, multi-prong plan that makes it possible to see all shelters in the United States be no-kill shelters by 2020. Read more
The word has been spreading about a pair of dogs that three women brought into the shelter, purportedly as strays. According to The Dodo, they may have gotten away without anyone being wise to their story, but for two small things. The dogs were wearing tags engraved with the owners names. After some questioning, the trio admitted they were losing their home and couldn't keep the dogs. Read more
Living Free Animal Sanctuary has a mission, as do all rescues, but this one has more than just themselves in mind. The Almost Home 2020 initiative has a clear objective, but it is not one they can do alone.
A dog from Winkler, Manitoba, never expected to fall 24.6 feet down an old well, but while he slept on top of the well’s cover, the old and rotten wooden top gave way trapping the dog in a dangerous situation. Its owner called local firefighters after he couldn’t reach and rescue his dog.