The young Jack Russell-Chihuahua mix had a rough start , but after months of treatment and lots of love from shelter staffers, he has found his forever home. Read more
"He had been completely formed and shaped by those two amazing people who adopted him and he was most definitely 100% their dog. I could finally see it. And I was so relieved." Read more
"I had a responsibility to protect and love this guy that had been so horribly and terribly wronged by one of us. I was ashamed of what one of my fellow humans had done." Read more
Are you a Michiganer looking for a sweet, new friend? Overcrowding has inspired one area shelter to drop its fees so more dogs can find forever homes. Read more
“I was so happy to bring her home. I figured she is old and tired... She should have someone take care of her, like she took care of her [former owner].” Read more
These poor rescue shepherds have been passed over for adoption, time and time again. Could you be the heroic human that comes to rescue one before it's too late for them? Read more
Miley Cyrus can multitask. Sure, she enjoyed some beau time with on-again, off-again squeeze Liam Hemsworth -- but she also adopted herself a sweet, new doggie! Read more