
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Flight Attendant Adopts the Street Dog Who Never Stopped Waiting for Her

It would be creepy if he was a person, but Rubio was nothing less than charming. For months, every time Olivia arrived at the hotel, her pining pup was waiting for her.
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High School Cross-Country Team Brings Cooped-Up Shelter Dogs on Runs

"I am not sure who was more excited & having the most fun - the dogs or the kids. Either way, it was a great time & I am sure we will do it again sometime soon."
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10 Curiosidades sobre Labrador Retriever

A maioria das pessoas sabem que o labrador retriever é brincalhão, leal e cheio de energia. Mas existem outras características dessa raça tão amada no mundo todo.

Veja 10 curiosidades sobre Labrador Retriever:

Pit Bulls Are the New Breed of Police Dogs

There's a new police dog sheriff in town and is not a German shepherd or a Belgian malinois. It is a Pit bull.
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ONG Cão Sem Dono cria clínica veterinária popular para atender famílias de baixa renda

A ONG Cão Sem Dono acaba de criar a clínica Veterinário Popular no bairro do Jabaquara, em São Paulo.

O objetivo é atender animais de famílias de baixa renda a preços populares, com subsídio da ONG.

A clínica começou a funcionar no dia 23, mas passou por uma espécie de teste no dia 14 ao vacinar gratuitamente 47 cães contra cinomose.

Os atendimentos são realizados de segunda a sábado, das 9h às 18h, na rua Genaro de Carvalho, 382.

Dogfighting Ringleader Sentenced to 20 Years Behind Bars

A Florida man gets 20 years behind bars for violating a judge's order to never have dogs again after conviction on dog fighting charges.
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Russia Is Giving France a Police Puppy to Replace K-9 Killed by Terrorist

Dobrynya will be “handed over to France in testimony of solidarity with the people of France and the French police in the context of the fight against terrorism.”
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Man Creates Special Kayak to Take Dogs on Adventures

David Bahnson has built a special kayak to be able to take his dogs on adventures with him.
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