
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

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Men Drive Car Down Canal to Rescue Trapped Dog

In a Brazil, a terrified dog was trapped in shallow canal. The flowing water had a fast current and the dog sought refuge a top accumulated garbage in the middle of the canal. Thanks to concerned neighbors who spotted the distressed dog, the pet was rescued.

Drivers save Dog Tied to Car’s Rear Bumper

On November 1, 2014, drivers in Pereira, Colombia, stopped a woman from intentionally killing her dog after the woman tied her pet to the back of her car and planned to drag him to death.

Garbage Man Saves Emaciated Dog Found in Trash

On Oct. 30, 2014, Nathan Binnie, a garbage collector from New Stanton, Pa., was working outside a home on Yellow Pine Lane when he discovered an emaciated female dog inside a garbage can. Thanks to his discovery, the “skin-and-bones” dog was saved.

“It was just one of those cans I didn’t pick up and just throw in my truck,” said Binnie. “You could see every bone. [The dog was] shivering and shaking. It was just horrific.”

City Mayor Saves Dog Trapped on Rocky Cliff

On October 21, 2014, a woman from Mallorca, Spain, was walking her dog around 10 p.m. near the Banyalbufar cliffs when her dog slipped and fell over a cliff. The pet owner called after her dog and searched the area hoping she would find him alive, but in the darkness of the night, the woman did not find her pet nor did she hear him bark. The dog owner gave up and thought she had forever lost her best friend.

Stray Dog Interrupts Soccer Game, Bites Player, and Could Get a Forever Home

Most stray dogs get scooped off the streets and find forever homes after they are found injured and in great need. Some have such sweet demeanors that their forever homes are found when the pets win over the hearts of an animal lovers. Rarely do we hear anyone say that they want to offer a stray dog a forever home after the dog has bit them. Well, in Brazil, a soccer player decided to do just that after a stray dog interrupted their professional match and bit the player in mid game.

Rottweiler Saves Small Neighbor Dog from Coyote Attack



A little Chi-weenie named Trixxie had her life saved when Happy, the neighbor’s Rottweiler, prevented her from becoming a coyote’s breakfast.

Early one morning back in 2010, Trixxie was put out on a chain to take care of her business while her owner did the same inside.  She was only out there for a few minutes when a coyote ambushed her.  The chain prevented the coyote from running off with her in his mouth.


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