08 Fev, 2015by adminArrest, Dog News, Featured, Heroic Dogs, International, attack, baby, burglar, Dog News, hero, pregnant, rob, rottweiler, thief, UK
31 Jan, 2015by adminDog News, Heroic Dogs, investigation, abduct, Dog News, Georgia, girl, hero, kidnap, rat terrier
28 Jan, 2015by adminAdvocacy, Dog News, Food for Thought, Friendship, Fundraiser, health, Heroic Dogs, Heroic Humans, Lifestyle, Military, News, News Video, Research, Science, therapy dog, vídeo, Dog, Dog News, dog news video, dog news videos, dog with cancer, Dogs, Fundraiser, gofundme.com, military vet, military vets, Please help
21 Jan, 2015by adminabandoned, Dog News, Heroic Dogs, abandoned, Australian shepherd, california, Dog News, heroic dog
17 Jan, 2015by adminDog News, Happy Ending, Heroic Dogs, rescue, Dog News, freeze, ice, Illinois, Lab, labrador, rescue, water
A dog that fell through the ice at a treatment plant in Illinois had his life saved by his dog friend, who led people over to rescue him.
15 Jan, 2015by adminDog News, Heroic Dogs, Injured, attack, child, Dog News, Florida, hero dog, pit bull
30 Dez, 2014by adminDog News, Friendship, Heroic Dogs, International, Dog News, hero dog, Service Dog
Big Yellow, a mutt from China, has never received proper training as a service dog, but since he was born two years ago, he started helping his handicapped owner get to work each day.
29 Dez, 2014by adminDog News, Heroic Dogs, Injured, News, News Video, vídeo, bear attack, Dog News
20 Dez, 2014by adminArrest, Dog News, Heroic Dogs, News Video, Police, vídeo, Dog News, k9
15 Dez, 2014by adminAdvocacy, behavior, Dog News, Featured, Friendship, Heroic Dogs, News Video, vídeo, Dog News