
Cãotinho do Labrador Retriever

Um espaço de todos e para todos


Des Moines Airport Gets OK on Indoor Doggy Bathroom

“I think it is perfectly reasonable with the size, with the traffic, with the number of passengers we have in Des Moines,” she said.
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The SPCA Now Has Therapy Dogs Waiting to Cheer You Up After a Stressful Flight

Flying isn’t only harrowing for passengers – airport employees also feel frazzled because of rude customers and other work-related issues.
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Dog Catches Concealed Fugitive

Don't try to smuggle yourself inside a bag. You won't get past the airport's four-legged security officers.
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Police Officers Rescue and Adopt Dog Found at ATL Airport

On April 16, 2015, a sweet female Pit bull believed to be about two-years-old was found tied to a pole in Atlanta’s Hartsfield Jackson International Airport. The dog spent a few hours abandoned in the parking lot, but thanks to police officers, the dog was rescued and has found a new home.

Chihuahua Almost Travels Inside Checked Bag

How many of us have pets that whenever they see us packing our bags, they immediately go and sit on top of the luggage as if to say “you’re not going anywhere without me.” Well, a woman from New York almost checked in her Chihuahua after the pet owner was unaware she accidentally packed up her small pet.

Aeroporto canadense conta com a ajuda de cães terapeutas para deixar passageiros mais calmos

A equipe do Aeroporto Internacional de Edmonton, no Canadá, encontrou uma ótima maneira de deixar os passageiros mais calmos: cachorros terapeutas.


Cachorro faz parte da equipe de achados e perdidos de aeroporto em Amsterdã

Um novo funcionário do departamento de achados e perdidos se tornou o centro das atenções no aeroporto Schiphol, em Amsterdã: um cachorro!


Cachorro foge do canil do aeroporto e corre para a pista

Um cachorro que seria transportado de avião para Paris, fugiu do canil do Aeroporto Internacional de Los Angeles (LAX) e  correu para duas pistas de pousos e decolagens.


Flying With Your Pet – Safety Tips

flyingAlthough airline travel is fast and convenient, it can also be nerve-wracking, especially for pets. Simply imagining yourself in your pet’s situation while flying in cargo should make you think twice about bringing your pet on a plane.

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